Aroub Adnan Atmeh


2006-2010 English Language and Literature, Yarmouk university , Irbid ,Jordan

2006 Al-khansa school , Jarash , Jordan - Tawjihi , Literary stream , GPA (90.3)

2010   M.A student of translation at Yarmouk University, GPA (88.1)                


2010                       ICDL Course

2010                             TOFEL SCORE 603


2011                            I worked as a teacher at Shua'a center.

2011                      I worked at Tameem Ad- Darri Private School.

2010                      I am a freelance translator for Dar Al – Oloum - Irbid.

2010                      I am a teacher at Intellectual Sense Academy.

2010-now                      Freelance Translator at Specialists Center- Dubai.

Qualifications and Skills :

-             Two years experience in translation between English and Arabic.

-             Excellent in English conversation.

-             Good experience in research and writing papers.

The Main Courses in English and Translation:

-             Translation 1

-             Advanced Translation

-             Oral Translation ( M.A)

-             Translation Between English and Arabic ( M.A)

-             Semantics and Pragmatics (M.A)

-             Theories of Translation ( M.A)


Arabic - Native fluency

English – Excellent speaking and writing

Additional information:

I am good at group work , I have excellent communication skills .

I am a hard worker and have the ability to work under pressure.

I translate from English<>Arabic quickly and efficiently.


 Jerash, Jordan - Telephone : 0779827386

Email : atmeh23@rocketmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it