Recent scientists discovered an area in front of the head which is responsible ….
Recent scientists discovered an area in front of the head which is responsible for lying and they identified an activity in that area while committing faults and sins, they call it the reach this result those scientists used an advanced technology which is” magnetic resonance imaging”. Allah Almighty told us fourteen centuries ago about the forelock as He Almighty describes that area by saying: (A lying, sinful forelock!) { Sûrat Al-Alaq - The Clot -verse16}
Who told this advanced scientific fact to our illiterate prophet peace be upon him? The teller is Allah Almighty who says about Himself: (Should He not know what He created? And He is the Subtile, the Aware){ Sûrat Al-Mulk - Dominion -verse 14}
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel