This is a picture that was presented by National Geographic of an insect called fairy-fly wasp … |
This is a picture that was presented by National Geographic of an insect called fairy-fly wasp. The length of this insect is merely 0.2 mm i.e. it can barley be seen through the naked eye and despite its small size, it has a complete system that helps it continue its life. It has a brain with thousands of cells, a respiratory system, a reproductive system, and a thinking and decision making system. Entomologists are amazed at how accurately this insect is made. We say to those exactly what Allah, the exalted says in the holy Qur'an addressing such atheists who believe in nature and coincidence:
“Such is the creation of God: now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created: nay, but the transgressors are in manifest error.” Luqman: 31: 11
By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel