This book sheds light upon a recent discovery centred around one of the most exciting topics in world religion and Islam in particular: the miracles of the Noble Qur’an …
Is the Big Bang Theory correct? And could it be interpreted by the Quran verse of join and parting of heavens and earth? And what are the new facts that prove the universe was similar to an interwoven fabric that loosened its threads and split? …
Last scientific discovery stated the following: French and U.S. researchers assert that the huge stones used by the Pharaohs to build the pyramids are just clay that has been heated at high temperatures…
We want to discuss some of the rumors that have spread recently about the fact of man landing on the moon and if the first astronaut converted to Islam because he heard the (Adhan) the Muslim call for prayers when he was on the moon?…
Are there any invisible pillars that link the parts of the universe, which the Quran verse talked about? Is it possible that these pillars are the forces of gravity? Let’s consider the following …